Kwai Shing West Estate

New // Upcoming book & film

Release dates
15.03.2024 in France & Belgium
in Europe
You can already order the book at Chambre Noire for Switzerland or at Building Books for international orders.

Kwai Shing West Estate is a residential complex in Hong Kong that is home to 18,000 people. It attracted the attention of filmmaker and photographer Pascal Greco because of its architecture and its atypical hillside construction. This book presents the fruits of a ten-year harvest, and captures this strange fascination through both photography and film, accessible via a QR code.

We invite you to the various book openings:
- March 14 from 6pm, Librairie Sans Titre, Paris
- March 21 from 6pm, Librairie
Associati Books, Genève
- April 25 from 18h,
Music Sounds Better With Books, Lausanne

”As in all Pascal Greco's photographic works, the precise framing sublimates the banality, of facade, of the subjects. By taking the time to stop and observe these architectural witnesses, the photographer induces a certain form of "aesthetic exhilaration" that is absolutely fascinating.”
Olivier Wyser, La Liberté

”It’s beautiful and filled with a curious emotion.”
Pascal Gavillet, 24 heures

Building Books, France & Chambre Noire, Switzerland | 2024
The film is only available via a QR code in the book
107 Photographs
144 pages | 22,5 x 30 cm | Design by Building Paris
Soft cover with flaps
Texts by Rosman C.C. Wai & Dr Ernest Chui | English & french
Limited to 550 copies